03 5月 2009


落選/前立法會議員勞永樂, 如大家有留意他近日的言論, 就知這個人只係想出位, 講完話周局長防疫不力導致有新型流感入左香港, 要同全港市民道歉, 冇人理佢又話隔離酒店無意思, 攪到外國報紙都
post佢的言論,喂! 你抽水要出鏡想下次立法局選中, 平時你亂講無所謂, 但係今次係為左大眾健康和自衛措施, 過左沙士大家都寧願做多一點好過, 勞永樂這類人一睇已經知係有破壞冇建設, 我要佢道歉有什麼用呢?你攪事呀!!做人都睇下風向啦!

最主要防止疫情擴散, 保護各人生命和健康, 中國人又多, 住又密, 再加上南中國海都已經係新virius的天堂, 話自己係傳染病專家, 原來就讀過一張cert., 就係咁多!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 則留言:

mosquitivy 說...

hahaha...so angry that u actually wrote about him here in blog ^_^ very angry lei...suen la...there are always such noisy but pointless people

Siu Ching 說...

I have also heard about 勞永樂's pointless speech! He should '同全港市民道歉' law!
議員in HK are always like that. Only want a limited group of ppl to support them! Never think for the society as a whole. that's y I never vote for 張文光. He is blind. Saying rubbish and supporting the teachers pointlessly.

匿名 說...

So true, totally agree with it.